H2R provides geotechnical engineering and subsurface exploration for all aspects of power generation and delivery. The firm’s experience includes everything from site selection, to foundation evaluations for new plants (including nuclear), and support of both above and below ground energy delivery. We understand the differing and sensitive needs of the projects in this industry and are familiar with the energy and utility owners. Services for renewable energies, to name a few, include foundation engineering for power plants, and load testing for the foundations of solar arrays.

Featured Projects
Florida Power and Light Gas Turbines

H2R’s scope included bench-scale testing, low strength unconfined compressive strength testing, verification core drilling of low-strength material and associated strength testing, as well as other conventional quality control on-site inspections and laboratory tests.
Confidential Client

H2R Corp. provided specialty construction support services to this client. The subsurface elements were critical for the stability of the impoundment and remediation areas. The quality of H2R’s work was key to ensure that the as-built condition met stringent contract requirements.