Norris Cut Tunnel
H2R’s services were requested to support the construction of the exit pit at Fisher Island for the project’s tunnel boring machine. The $72 million project features a replacement of the existing 54-inch force main from the Virginia Key Central District Wastewater Treatment Plant under Biscayne Bay Norris Cut to Fisher Island. Other elements include approximately one mile of tunnel boring with precast segmental liners capable of accommodating a 60-inch internal diameter carrier pipeline, 0.5 miles of open-cut construction to install a 60-inch diameter pipe, and .25 mile of directional drilling for sewage flow relay from Fisher Island Pump Station to the tunnel.
H2R provided soil-cement design support services for the deep soil mixing to Nicholson Construction. Tasks for this phase of work includes specialty geotechnical engineering and field services including soil-cement coring, laboratory testing, and other services including construction quality control, downhole camera services, and in-situ permeability testing.
Start Date: 2015
End Date: 2015
Service Lines:
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Foundation Testing and Inspection
- Specialty Construction Support and Verification
Partners: Miami-Dade Water and Sewer / Nicholson Construction
Project Cost: $72M
Location: Miami, FL